For over 140 years, we have been producing some of the world’s finest Goodyear Welted footwear from our Wood Street factory in Kettering, Northamptonshire.

Whether it’s a step back to the office or a more casual step while working from home; a step up towards those personal and professional milestones, or simply, step towards a more handcrafted, sustainable purchase, your ‘Next Step’ can always be in a pair of Loake shoes…

Loake Shoes at Thorburns Leamington Spa

Creating Handmade English Shoes Since 1880 the famous Goodyear construction for which we are known is a traditional and intricate process, with origins that can be traced back over 300 years. Only the very highest quality materials are used, and we estimate that over 60 million pairs of Loake goodyear welted shoes have been produced since we began.

Alongside their English Goodyear Welted footwear, they also design and produce a range of shoes outside the UK, using a variety of constructions. This enables them to offer a complete wardrobe of shoes, for every occasion. They now export to more than 50 countries and have become a favourite with discerning customers worldwide.

Each individual pair of Loake Goodyear Welted shoes takes eight weeks to produce, while some 130 skilled craftspeople, up to 75 shoe parts and 200 different operations are involved. We believe there is no finer way to make a shoe.